Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Work perks

I miss cake. I really do. When I made the decision earlier this year to make my maternity leave permanent, there was no telling what I would come to miss most about working, if anything. Now I know. I grew accustomed to those regular cakes for coworkers' birthdays. Even the crappy ones are a treat when you're at work. I love to bake, but the fact that the average cake is large and doesn't keep well and we are only two plus baby, a cake in the house can be a bit much. But, I missed cake. Last night I made my first ever carrot cake and this was my breakfast this morning.

Yummy, yum. And I'm pretty sure it counts as a serving of vegetables. Now, as I said, this was my first carrot cake. The cake is super moist and very good, but I think a little lacking in the flavor a spice is missing or something. It only called for a little cinnamon, should there be something else? The cream cheese frosting is great, but maybe a little too sweet? R thinks it's fine. I had baby carrots, so I just threw them in my blender chopper thingy so they were chopped rather than shredded, which worked. And boy did I have carrots...I had bought a five pound bag at Costco. FIVE pounds! What was I thinking? Maybe I can make baby food to freeze for when Finn is a bit older. Anyway, now I feel like I must find or create the perfect carrot cake recipe, but I expect it could take a long time because we just can't eat that much carrot cake. Can we?

1 comment:

- said...

mmm, looks good! pretty plate too!

i'm going to send you a link via email, you can make mini-cakes by using tuna cans! ha! who'da thunk?